Thursday, October 16, 2008

one month

wow. it's almost here... i'm not sure what i'm feeling, but things are finally settling down w/ moving in to our torrance house. i'm starting to really enjoy being there, and i'm slowly figuring out what's around! i'm also finding more and more Revere staff that live in the area - can you say, "carpool?" the commute can be a bear... thank the Lord for KKLA's awesome programming that helps me get through the drive :)

many THANKS to our friends and families for their tremendous, overwhelming support and help through the process!

YAY for starting to settle into LBC and for getting to know the brothers and sisters there better. i still miss GCC dearly though... i doubt that will ever change.

my students are
AWESOME this year... as they always are. why do i always question it when the good Lord meets my sinful doubt every year? HE keeps on humbling me with HIS grace and mercies that are new every morning!

keep us in your prayers...
by God's grace alone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great wedding...hope everything is perfect for your special day.