Tuesday, May 06, 2008

mexico city stm

dear family and friends,

i truly do hope that this letter finds you all reveling in the power of God's grace. i am well into my fifth year of teaching at paul revere middle school, and the Lord continues to bless me and grow me in different ways there. new trials and blessings arise at every turn, and He continues to be faithful to guide me through each of them. the Lord has also allowed me to grow steadily at grace community church. He has given me a new mentor through the choir, and He has also provided a group of sisters that very effectively speak the truth in love. i can honestly say that i am thoroughly challenged in every aspect of my life as i grow in the knowledge of His Word daily. thusly, i rejoice to share with you that i will be joining the mexico city short term ministry team once again this year.

this july, we'll be working alongside our precious missionaries luis and robin contreras, josiah and crystal grauman, jim and carolyn dowdy, ellen parker and rosie martinez. our goal is to do anything we can to help them to strengthen the Bible-believing church in mexico city. this means organizing a vacation Bible school for the children, along with a youth conference at the remanente church. also, we will lead music worship on sundays at the naucalpan church, as well as painting any church building or missionary home in need of a fresh coat of paint. but mainly, we would like to encourage our missionaries who are diligently teaching and training the church in mexico city. we ask that you join us in praying for this trip as we look forward to this exciting opportunity and challenge to serve the Lord in a different culture with the same need for Jesus Christ as our own.

we are well aware that the success of this trip is dependent on the Lord and your prayer support. along with your prayers, if you would like to partner with us financially, please send a check payable to grace community church with "for the team of vanessa ling" in the memo line. your tax-deductible donation will go toward covering the costs of the trip, which is about $1300 per team member.

by His grace,
vanessa ling

prayer requests:

1. vbs: that the children and their parents would respond to the Gospel
2. conferences: that the youth would be challenged to follow Christ
3. we would encourage the local churches and seminary
4. we would be a blessing to our missionaries
5. team unity, health and safety

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