Monday, February 20, 2006

i've got that gooey feeling... yummy. i love mondays off. they are the best days off EVER!!

so i was reading our college pastor's commentary on "the end of the spear" movie, and he's right about the lack of the GOSPEL being clearly explained.

so many people are getting engaged/married this yr already! and it's only just begun. multiple friends of mine already have 5+ weddings to attend, and it's only mid-february! what's going on?! is it something in our water supply??

oh well, until it's my time... i'ma enjoy God's precious gift of singleness, baby! ;)

1 comment:

dapotato said...

vasey! i keep forgetting to come here cuz i still have your lj bookmarked. bah. anyway, yay that you're posting.

yeah...dunno what's up. i have 5 weddings this year to go to and counting (plus the one we will be a part of ;)).

yay for taking advantage of your singleness/freedom/mobility while you can. europe? man...i'll have to come visit, then :).