I met Wei's fiance for the first tme Monday night. Not the best night to meet me, seeing as it was after my environmental psychology class. However, seeing them (and Uncle Bill) raised my spirits faster than an anti-depressant could have.
Brian was very quiet, spending a lot of time on his iPhone. I can't blame him - meeting two white cousins, plus Daniel would be intimidating for anyone. From the time spent observing him, and getting a "feel" for him (some of you understand what I mean by that), I think he's a good guy. He seems very courteous, very patient, and very gentlemanly. He was unassuming, and shares my cousin's passion for food.
He recommended and ordered my dinner for me! If I even mentioned wanting something, he was not above flagging someone down and making sure I was taken care of. That was new for me - he took the burden of responsibility off my shoulders and it felt nice. (I KNOW! Can anyone believe I said that?!) But it was really cool after a long and stressful day to be able to just sit back and enjoy myself, chat with Wei, and know my needs (and wants!) were being met.
At any rate, it was good to see that out of him, and know that he does the same for Wei. He takes care of her without being smarmy or ridiculous about it. It helps me understand what she sees in him. (And he's not above joking! When carrying out Wei's gift from my sister - she was having trouble carrying it - he had to make sure she realized there was actually a handle she could've used instead of awkwardly holding the box.)
Another thing I liked was that Wei was herself. She didn't change or act any differently than I always knew her to be. When I arrived, he gave me his seat next to her. She hugged me and held onto me as she always does (and which only she is allowed to do - I love cuddling with Wei). We chatted - he didn't butt in or act in any way insecure, nor did he set out to "prove" anything about their relationship. He kicked back and let the family be exactly who we were.
I look forward to having him as an official part of the family... and to seeing him at family events, interacting with everyone. I think he'll bring a needed breath of fresh air, break up the monotony of the Mok household. Daniel helped, but he's only one person. The question remaining is: is he up to the task? Hmmm...