Monday, March 19, 2007


so i went back to my old home church, mbcla, yesterday for my cousin shanna's baptism. of course all of my mom's generation were gossiping about their kids, etc... and turns out that most of my old friends from back in the day are all single right now!

on the ride back to her house, my mom and i had a little talk about why... first of all, it seems that generally, a lot of people are getting married at a later age than before. 25-30 seems to be the new 21-25. what's going on? marriage aside, why aren't we even holding onto boyfriends/girlfriends? are arranged marriages really the solution? where does the gift of singleness come into play? we all can't be gifted with singleness... so what's the conclusion or resolution if there is any at all?


and i'm waiting for God's best for me, so i will rejoice in singleness, and i will rejoice with all of my friends as we move on to different stages of life at the Lord's divinely appointed time. in the meantime, i will strive to be content in all that i have right now, and i will strive to grow in the knowledge of Him through His Word.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

back from ACDA in beautiful miami beach...

ghetto hotel, expensive taxis, sun, hot dogs, cinnamon-sugar almonds, pizza, humidity, mansions, yachts, beautiful people, topless women, beach volleyball, la jeune, calle ocho, crystal-clear blue waters and white sandy beaches, caribbean cuisine... all to a latin soundtrack playing somewhere in your hearts...

and a whole grip of choir performances, mini reunions, name dropping, choral big wigs, workshops and everything else that make you feel both inspired and incompetent at the same time.

thank you, miami beach. we had a grand time...
maybe i'll visit again, but maybe not. i had my fill, and i'm ready to see other places and other things! it's just like how you picture it in the movies - gangsters, bling, nice cars and everything... wow, that totally rhymed.
Lord, save them from their immorality because oh, there was so much of it to behold!